Saturday, April 25, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 10: 36 movement textures

Textures in Model

transparent texture applied to moving element in lecture room.
the texture aids the transition of the theatre from a darker, enclosed space to a bright open plan hall.

texture on floor of courtyard that doubles as an outdoor tutorial space
texture accompanying the movement up and down stairs

Moving Element

second moving element: a moving facade which opens up the interior and lets in light

Thursday, April 23, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 10: assignment 3 submission

100 Word Statement

The title of my work is ‘Space Within Spaces’. It communicates ways to partition zones without a wall, allowing the flexible use of space within a small footprint. In my model, I have included three zones for exercise, study and sleeping. These are separated with a raise in floor plane and a semi-translucent folding screen. My photos capture the model in different lighting situations. When the screen is retracted, natural lighting permeates the entire space, showing an open environment. When closed, the screen blocks natural light from the study area, forming a cosy space for resting. Through various lighting methods, the photos successfully communicate how the spaces are separated.

Final Presentation

Handmade Models

Laser Cutting Illustrator Format

3D Printing STL Format

Curated Progress Images

Friday, April 17, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 9: animations

I drew my sketches in photoshop and put the animation together in powerpoint.
axonometric animation of massing model represented in 6 rectangular prisms

two point perspective animation of massing model from another angle

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 8: the bridge plan and section

original plan by JJ Leqeue

plan version 1

plan version 2
plan final version

section version 1

section final version

Monday, April 6, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 8: rendering materials and textures

Rendering in Fusion360

experimenting with different materials rendered onto fusion 360 model. I like how Fusion can render reflective materials which cannot be done in sketchup.

I wanted to learn how to include environmental context into my renders. Above is a panorama of my room. I converted it to a HDR file in photoshop. To import into Fusion 360 as an environment, it needed to be a 2:1 ratio.
The model photoshopped onto my desk. It was hard to match the shadows to be consistent with the other objects

model on windowsill

Rendering Materials in Photoshop

original photo

with materials

Thursday, April 2, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 7: two point perspective

Revised Cross

revised circulation cross with additional massing elements
allocation of spaces
lumion render

Two Point Perspective Sketches