Tuesday, March 24, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 6: theory


Since people are more adaptable than objects, Architecture should enable multiple uses where the user adapts to the form rather than having the architecture adapt to the function

Keywords: form, adapt, function
Rawsthorn, Alice. "The Demise of 'Form Follows Function'." The New York Times, May 30, 2009.
Avaliable at https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/arts/01iht-DESIGN1.html

Rather than having a folding table with 6 chairs, a two person seating space accomodates to 6 people when the raised platform become seats.
Stairs were not intended to be seats, but the Science and Engineering stairs at UNSW were built with a purpose for those who do not wish to sit on grass.
Stairs were also not intended to be ascended this way but people do what they want.


With the creation of an underpass beneath the main walkway, the main walkay becomes a bridge. with the presence of dancers, the underpass becomes a stage. The bridge and stairs form an atrium from which audiences view the performance. Windows become mirrors. The space becomes a studio. The transformation of spaces occurs without any physical change to form.

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