Tuesday, March 31, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 7: photographing models

Physical Model of Transitional Space

Modelling Fusion 360 model using folding and tabs method instead of laser cutting. I chose a 1:100 scale so the paper won't bend. 
Model of a transitional space in my home with 3 rectangular prisms. 

Photographing Shadows and Lighting

Sketch Models

I wanted to experiment with other methods of model making instead of the folding and tabs method. I tried to plan less and see where my mistakes will take me. This allowed me to determine a scale after finishing the model, due to the absence of doors or windows.
experimenting with the properties of paper
I used pins to hold down the paper to visualise different possibilities before gluing. 
Sketch Model: regular copier paper
The final version adhered by glue. The actual model is 60 x 60 mm, so figures were photoshopped in. Scale is approx 1:1000
Experimenting with more complex forms. This sketch model required more thought as the layers needed to be held up by additive elements, so glue and tabs needed to be concealed.
Sketch Model: gallery paper (handout from an art gallery)
Figures were photoshopped in. Actual model is 150 x 150 mm. Scale 1:500

Room Models

Paper Model 1:100
I found this hardest to photograph due to it's small size (35 x 35 mm) since my phone doesn't have a good macro lens. It was difficult to get the focus right. 

Cardboard Model (2mm thick) 1:50
indirect lighting

My Ideal Room
Natural lighting at midday
Card Model (1mm thick) 1:50
Afternoon lighting
The folding screen is open to allow light into both spaces

Night lighting
The folding screen is closed to seperate the sleeping and work spaces. Artificial lighting is showing entering from outside the room (at the door) and small bar light from underneath the bed

Night lighting
Folding screen is closed but still lets through light from the roof lamp in the sleeping space. 

BENV1010 WEEK 7: 3d shapes in F360

Lofting my initials AYM

Errors kept appearing and wouldn't allow shelling. After troubleshooting, I found that the M was too sharp, stopping the model from shelling.

It worked after making the corner less pointy

view of the other side

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 6: theory


Since people are more adaptable than objects, Architecture should enable multiple uses where the user adapts to the form rather than having the architecture adapt to the function

Keywords: form, adapt, function
Rawsthorn, Alice. "The Demise of 'Form Follows Function'." The New York Times, May 30, 2009.
Avaliable at https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/arts/01iht-DESIGN1.html

Rather than having a folding table with 6 chairs, a two person seating space accomodates to 6 people when the raised platform become seats.
Stairs were not intended to be seats, but the Science and Engineering stairs at UNSW were built with a purpose for those who do not wish to sit on grass.
Stairs were also not intended to be ascended this way but people do what they want.


With the creation of an underpass beneath the main walkway, the main walkay becomes a bridge. with the presence of dancers, the underpass becomes a stage. The bridge and stairs form an atrium from which audiences view the performance. Windows become mirrors. The space becomes a studio. The transformation of spaces occurs without any physical change to form.

ARCH1101 WEEK 6: circulation cross

Lumion render of circulation cross
my laptop doesn't run Lumion very well


Monday, March 23, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 6: fusion 360

sketches of transitional spaces in my home
representational model of transitional space in fusion 360
laying out components flat ready to export into illustrator
fitting components into a 400x120mm rectangle with correct stroke ready for laser printing

Friday, March 20, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 5: model making


my workspace, 1:100, 25 mins
- need to work at smaller scale so edges can hold shape
- creases can be made easily by folding or scoring with a pointed tip
- can be cut easily with one stroke and little pressure
- need tabs to connect edges


template before gluing. no tabs required
my workspace, 1:50, 20 mins
- very rigid,  need to work at larger scale so folds can be made
- creases are made by scoring both sides with scapel
- need to score first before cutting to ensure clean cut, harder to be precise
- edges can be glued together without tabs



planning in my sketchbook
my ideal workspace, 1:50, 45 mins
0.5mm card, trace, postcard
featuring a multi directional folding door to seperate sleeping, working and exercise areas.
- 0.5mm card (from an old exercise book) I found to be the ideal material for working at this scale
- easy to cut and fold while still rigid
- trace was used as a translucent material for curtains and folding door. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ARCH1101 WEEK 5: experiment 1 submission


north section

aerial perspective with cut section of above ground studio showing its plan
west section


shared gallery space

above ground studio for Trent Jenson (furniture)

below ground studio for Kyza (prints and custom cars)


three words: https://ada-architecturalstudies.blogspot.com/2020/02/introduction.html
18 sketch sections: https://ada-architecturalstudies.blogspot.com/2020/02/week-1-eighteen-sketches.html
36 custom textures: https://ada-architecturalstudies.blogspot.com/2020/03/arch1101-week-3-36-textures.html
the developed stair: https://ada-architecturalstudies.blogspot.com/2020/02/arch1101-week-2-stair-model.html
the architecture: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=ada%20mo%20arch1101%20exp1%202020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 4: assessment 2 submission

5 analogue and digital drawings

5 combined infographics

pedestrian movements at 5 different times of day

5 combined images of items photoshopped onto our site

Thursday, March 12, 2020

BENV1010 WEEK 4: progress update

Below are my contributions to the group's final submission for assesment 2
WEEK 1: analogue drawing of the site 

WEEK 1: compositing a wollemei pine onto a photo of the site using photoshop

WEEK 2: infographic on given dataset of food places at UNSW done in illustrator
WEEK 3: infographic map of our site showing pedestrian circulation at 6pm done in illustrator

WEEK 4: compiling the group's infographics in photoshop.
Photos were taken or sourced off the internet. The infographics were incorporated into the photos, with adjusted perspective and shadows. They were all combined with contrasting diagonal lines creating one seamless image.